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Media Literacy Week 2021

Palm Beach County, Florida

Media Literacy Week
Kickoff Virtual Event

Monday, October 25, 2021

Moms for Media Literacy
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Rohi's Readery
West Palm Beach

Mothers + mother-figures come together to discuss the role media plays in their family life, what their kids are learning about media literacy skills at school, and what we can learn from each other's experiences. We bring media literacy into the conversation about building healthy humans.




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Dads for Media Literacy
Meet & Eat
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Clubhouse
West Palm Beach

Today, fathers + father-figures are invited to share their perspectives of the role media plays in their families' lives. Eats courtesy of The Bacon Cartel








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Athletes for Media Literacy
#AthleteAftermath debuts!

Thursday, October 28, 2021









Podcast hosted by Jana Angel


Families for Media Literacy
Screen-Free, Device-Free

Friday, October 29, 2021

The challenge is simple: device-free (also known as "old school") fun. 2 hours. Together. Can you do it? Share with us...tomorrow. Next week. Just not tonight. Forget about your screens this one night.






Teachers + Librarians 
for Media Literacy

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Teachers + Librarians for Media Literacy


We wrap up Media Literacy Week by hearing from teachers and librarians on the state of media literacy education in their respective learning spaces. 




Time + Location details coming soon.

Teachers + Librarians
for Media Literacy B.Y.O.Tea

Saturday, October 30, 2021


We wrap up Media Literacy week with input from teachers and librarians in a 1-hour virtual discussion about the state of media literacy education in their respective learning spaces.

How can we work together to make media literacy skills second nature to our students and everyone in their lives? What do we know? What do we need? Let's chat about it over tea.





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